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Address:3201, No. 1, 32nd Floor, 28, Zhujin Street,Dalian,Liaoning,China.

Usage of Carbomer and matters needing attention

1. Carbomer is a nano grade acrylic acid resin, when water surges, add a small amount of mixture (such as triethanolamine, sodium hydroxide), the formation of high transparent gel, carbomer different types represent different viscosity, known as short rheology or long rheology, such as: Capo 940 has short rheological properties, viscosity at 0.5% 63000Mpa. S, suitable for high viscosity products, Capo 941 has long rheological properties, viscosity at 0.5% 7500MPa. S, suitable for low viscosity products, capo m corresponding models have ion resistance or salt resistance, suitable for daily chemical, industrial products.

2. Method of dissolving kappa: A: the commonly used methods are dissolved the next day, A day after the day before the first using, carbomer first according to the actual production requirement add dissolved in deionized water, without stirring, let carbomer nature after absorbing water, will be subject to see the surface is white powder, adding neutralizing agent (triethanolamine) or sodium hydroxide solution, adjust PH value at about 7, using the circular tool or dispersion machine, Mix well on low speed. B: Dissolve with high-speed dispersant and add according to the actual production ratio. There is no white powder in the dispersing machine. Add neutralizing agent to form gel and then use vacuum emulsifying pot to pump out the air in the gel. Worry about it. Don't worry about the carbomer that's not completely dissolved.

3. If common methods are used to dissolve the carbomer, it cannot be stirred when it is added to the water. For example, stirring while adding the carbomer will make the carbomer form a white water sphere, which has absorbed water on the surface, but no water can be absorbed inside. Even if the addition of a certain amount of defoaming agent is difficult to eliminate, in this case can only be used to remove the bubble vacuum pot. Tips: It is recommended to use deionized water to make the product more stable, directly dissolve in organic solute, longer test time, such as solid alcohol, Kapo 940, 941, 934, 980, 981 need about 8 hours of soaking, kapo 2020 U10 U20 need about 4 hours of soaking. The specific dissolution time is related to the amount of dissolution.